Vytlačiť túto stránku
nedeľa, 17 december 2017 09:16

Špecifiká v hernej príprave mládeže aj s video ukážkami

Ohodnotiť túto položku
(10 hlasov)

u14Patrik Mojžiš - tréner mládeže MŠK Žilina U14

- Tréningový proces
- Stratégia hry
- Dominantný futbal
- Mentálna príprava
- Koučing

- Filozofia:

* Ako chceme hrať?

* Ako má vyzerať náš hráč?

* Čo chcem ako tréner?

Chcem rozvíjať hráčov, najviac môžem ovplyvniť TP. Cieľom je získať si hlavu hráčov, aby verili tomu, čo robíme.


Celý materál v prílohe.

Ukážky cvičení:


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You must have the Adobe Flash Player installed to view this player.

You must have the Adobe Flash Player installed to view this player.

You must have the Adobe Flash Player installed to view this player.

You must have the Adobe Flash Player installed to view this player.

You must have the Adobe Flash Player installed to view this player.

You must have the Adobe Flash Player installed to view this player.

You must have the Adobe Flash Player installed to view this player.

You must have the Adobe Flash Player installed to view this player.

You must have the Adobe Flash Player installed to view this player.

You must have the Adobe Flash Player installed to view this player.

You must have the Adobe Flash Player installed to view this player.

You must have the Adobe Flash Player installed to view this player.

You must have the Adobe Flash Player installed to view this player.

You must have the Adobe Flash Player installed to view this player.




Videné 10533 krát Naposledy zmenené pondelok, 23 júl 2018 07:27
Pavol Junek

Administrátor portálu

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